Featured Databases
Swedish genealogy, including church records, court records and estate inventories. | In-library use only.Weiss Financial Ratings Series
Insurance, banks, credit unions, insurers, stocks and mutual funds and Medigap plans.REMOTE ACCESS TO MOST DATABASES IS LIMITED TO ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RESIDENT CARDHOLDERS
Obituaries & Death Notices from 1704-.from over 7,000 sources.
Note: Learn more here about Chicago Tribune obituary & death notice coverage in HeritageHub vs ProQuest.
Census records, family/local histories, Revolutionary War pension & land applications, city directories and more.
Hispanic Life in America
The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today.
History Reference Source
Reference books, magazine/journal articles and multimedia focusing on U.S. and world history. Learn how to create a search alert here.
Hobbies & Crafts Source
Detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of hobby enthusiasts, with full text from leading hobby and craft magazines. Learn how to create a search alert here.
Home Improvement Source
NEW: Provides detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of do-it-yourself home improvement and repair projects. Learn how to create a search alert here.
eBooks, eAudiobooks, comics, videos and music, as well as one-week "Binge Passes" for external services like CuriosityStream and Medici.TV. "Kids' Mode" available to highlight age-appropriate titles.
Arlington Heights cardholders onlyHoopla Read-Along/Read Aloud Collection
Hundreds of read-alongs, many based on popular movies, comics and children's books. (Children with a Kids' World-only card will need to use a parent's/guardian's hoopla account for access.
Arlington Heights cardholders onlyMake an Appointment
Schedule an appointment to get help with these and other interests:
- downloading eBooks
- researching genealogy
- finding a job
- computers and technology