Featured Databases

Gale Legal Forms--Illinois
Thousands of legal forms for personal, business, real estate, litigation, etc.REMOTE ACCESS TO MOST DATABASES IS LIMITED TO ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RESIDENT CARDHOLDERS
NEW: Especially for parents, ParentTV offers hundreds of on-demand videos to support the parenting and care of children from birth to teens.
Login note: Use your Arlington Heights barcode number for login. You do not need to enter a PIN in the second box.
Arlington Heights cardholders onlyPERSI (Periodical Source Index)
The premier subject index for genealogy and local history periodicals, produced by the staff of The Genealogy Center of the Allen County (Indiana) Public Library. Provides more than 3 million citations to readily-available periodical sources.
Peterson's Test Prep
Prep/practice tests for GED, ACT, GRE, GMAT, SAT, AP, job-related tests, TOEFL, citizenship and more. Search for colleges/scholarships or use the online resume builder and career exploration tools. Full list of tests & courses.
Physical Review Journals
Published by the American Physical Society. High-end journals on physics, astrophysics, optics, etc.
Points of View Reference Source
Provides rich pro/con content to help assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills. Learn how to create a search alert here.
Choose from thousands of U.S. and international newspapers and magazines on your PC or mobile device. NOTE: PressReader's authentication process has recently changed. See details here.
Primary Search
Search for full text for the most popular children's magazines, eBooks, and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids.
U.S. citizenship preparation course from the makers of the Pronunciator language-learning product.
UPDATE: Lessons in over 315 languages, including English, from dozens of source languages. Also try Pronunciator's new Bluebird app for quick audio-based lessons on mobile devices. Those preparing for the US Citizenship test can also use the ProCitizen preparation course by Pronunciator. Now offers an AI-based multilingual conversation partner for language practices, enhanced grammar tools and a high-quality translator from English to dozens of other languages.
ProQuest Global Newsstream
Search over 2,800 news sources including newspapers, newswires, transcripts, video, and digital-first content in full-text format. Access Chicago Tribune (1851-present), Wall Street Journal (2009-present), New York Times (1980-present), etc. Learn how to create a search alert here.
Proquest Historical Newspapers
Search the historical archives of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Defender, St. Louis Dispatch, Baltimore Sun, and the Irish Times.
Proquest Recent Newspapers: Chicago Tribune
Full-page scans of recent Chicago Tribune issues (2008-4 days ago).
Public Records Online
Illinois home sales business licenses foreclosures, mortgages, bankruptcies and more. Now includes access to CheckIllinois (quick searching by personal/business name, across communities and record types).
Make an Appointment
Schedule an appointment to get help with these and other interests:
- downloading eBooks
- researching genealogy
- finding a job
- computers and technology