Influencers of Arlington Heights

influencers of ah

What books have shaped your life or made an impact? That's the question 24 community members and leaders in Arlington Heights were asked. Influencers of Arlington Heights, and the Books That Influenced Them is an exhibit on display on the library's first floor featuring six local influencers, four times a year, and the books that inspire them. From the profound to the humorous, informative to reflective, here are their picks. Stop by to pick up one of these titles from the library's collection, or place one on hold to pick up at the library, bookmobile or drive-up window. Click on the link under each community member's photo to read more about them and discover the books that have influenced them. Then check back in a few months to see the next batch of book picks.  


Yeulanda Degala

Nonprofit Founder, Good Neighbors Network


Nicolle Grasse

Illinois State Representative, 53rd District; Ordained Minister


Heather Henkel

Business Owner, Kilwins


Eric Lamkins

Business Owner, Stone Soup 3 Creative; Spent Grain Brewing


Emily Luethy

Local Bookstagram Influencer


Greg Padovani

Chairman, Veterans Memorial Committee of Arlington Heights