Featured Databases

Gale Legal Forms--Illinois
Thousands of legal forms for personal, business, real estate, litigation, etc.REMOTE ACCESS TO MOST DATABASES IS LIMITED TO ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RESIDENT CARDHOLDERS
Gale Academic OneFile
Millions of articles from scholarly journals and other authoritative sources—including thousands of podcasts and transcripts. Learn how to set up a search alert here.
Gale Business Insights
A one-stop source for company profiles and analysis, including SWOT Analyses, investment reports, industry overviews, market information, case studies, in-depth news & articles and more. Also includes Plunkett Research Reports.
Gale Courses
In-depth, instructor-led, 6-week classes on tech topics, health care training, business/accounting, personal development, law, test prep, and more. Some classes can lead to certification and continuing education units (CEUs)
Arlington Heights cardholders onlyGale Directory Library
Search several different national, regional and international directories simultaneously or separately.
Gale eBooks
Reference eBooks on biography, business, environment, history, law, literature, medicine, multicultural studies, nations/world, religion, science, social science, and more. See also Access My Library app.
Gale General OneFile
Articles from thousands of magazines/journals, covering all topics. Learn how to set up a search alert here.
Gale Health and Wellness
Reference, magazine and journal articles on medical conditions and medications.
Gale in Context: Elementary
Articles from magazines, newspapers and reference sources to help students with projects and exploring their own interests.
Gale in Context: Environmental Studies
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILALBE. Please consider using Gale Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete, Gale in Context: Global Issues or the "Quick Search for Articles" near the top of the Databases list.
Gale in Context: Global Issues
Covers news, global viewpoints, reference, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics and more.
Gale in Context: High School
Magazine, news and reference articles for middle school through undergraduate. Covers science, literature, history, social sciences, arts, etc.
Gale in Context: Middle School
NEW: Articles and media covering a variety of subjects for middle school students, including government, U.S. and world history, geography, literature, science, and social issues. Includes over 300 browsable topic pages.
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Pro/con articles on major issues: gun control, drug legalization, immigration, etc. Especially useful for debate preparation, gaining context for election issues, etc.
Gale Legal Forms--Illinois
Thousands of Illinois legal forms for personal, business, real estate, litigation, etc. (MS Word or PDF). See also Access My Library app.
Gale Literature
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please consider using Gale Literature Resource Center.
Gale Literature Resource Center
Features collections of primary sources and articles based on commonly-studied literary works, along with in-depth overviews of literary topics.
Gale Literature: Book Review Index
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please consider using Gale Literature Resource Center.
Gale OneFile: Business
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please consider using Gale Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete or the "Quick Search for Articles" near the top of the Databases list.
Gale OneFile: Contemporary Women's Issues
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please consider using Gale Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete or the "Quick Search for Articles" near the top of the Databases list.
Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please consider using Gale Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete or the "Quick Search for Articles" near the top of the Databases list.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please consider using Gale Health and Wellness, Consumer Health Complete or the "Quick Search for Articles" near the top of the Databases list.
Gale OneFile: Informe Académico
Articles from wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America. Learn how to set up a search alert here.
Gale OneFile: News
Provides access to major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio, and TV broadcasts and transcripts. Learn how to set up a search alert here.
Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health
THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Please consider using Gale Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete or the "Quick Search for Articles" near the top of the Databases list.
Gale PowerSearch
Search multiple Gale "OneFile" (e.g., General, Academic, News, Health & Medicine, etc.) and "In Context" databases (Opposing Viewpoints, High School, Global Issues, etc.) simultaneously, along with Gale eBooks. Includes a powerful Subject Guide Search tool to retrieve more precise results.
(Formerly GCFLearnFree) Free tutorials, designed by Goodwill, focusing on computer, job and life skills.
Google Scholar
Google's gateway to research articles. Why use this link? By logging in via the library's website, you can take advantage of special "Full Text @ My Library" links that connect you to full articles in the library's databases. Use the "Quick search for articles and more" box on the library's databases pages for more powerful searching and better full-text access.
Guided resume creation for users, with professionally designed resume templates, context-sensitive resume writing tips and real-time preview of resume designs. Export in Word or PDF format.
Make an Appointment
Schedule an appointment to get help with these and other interests:
- downloading eBooks
- researching genealogy
- finding a job
- computers and technology