Featured Databases
Swedish genealogy, including church records, court records and estate inventories. | In-library use only.Weiss Financial Ratings Series
Insurance, banks, credit unions, insurers, stocks and mutual funds and Medigap plans.REMOTE ACCESS TO MOST DATABASES IS LIMITED TO ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RESIDENT CARDHOLDERS
Value Line Research Center
Investment advice on the stock market industries and the economy. Learn more about their specialized tools here.
NOTE: The main link above now takes you to the Value Line Dashboard page, which features links to their newsletters and reports reports (Options Survey, Fund Advisor, Special Situations, etc.). Visit the "Browse Research" page for screeners and other analysis tools.
Vocational & Career Collection
NEW: Provides full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions and the general public.
Make an Appointment
Schedule an appointment to get help with these and other interests:
- downloading eBooks
- researching genealogy
- finding a job
- computers and technology