Featured Databases
Swedish genealogy, including church records, court records and estate inventories. | In-library use only.Weiss Financial Ratings Series
Insurance, banks, credit unions, insurers, stocks and mutual funds and Medigap plans.REMOTE ACCESS TO MOST DATABASES IS LIMITED TO ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RESIDENT CARDHOLDERS
Daily Herald (via Newsbank)--Full Image
NEW: Full-image (full-page) version of the Daily Herald, 2/22/21- . Learn how to create a search alert here.
Note about the timing of same-day full-text Daily Herald articles.
UPDATE 7/22/24: Current issues of the full-image Daily Herald are now available.
Daily Herald (via Newsbank)--Text only
Articles from 2/23/1995-present. For historical articles (1901-present) search the Arlington Heights listings in the Access Newspaper Archive. Learn how to create a search alert here.
Note about the timing of same-day full text Daily Herald articles.
7/3/24: Newsbank is having technical difficulties with all newspapers after June 30 and display of full-image issues. For full-text access to current Daily Herald articles, please use Proquest.
Daily Herald (via Proquest)--Text only
Articles from 2/23/1997-present. For historical articles (1901-present) search the Arlington Heights listings in the Access Newspaper Archive. Learn how to create a search alert here.
Note about the timing of same-day full text Daily Herald articles.
Data Axle (see Reference Solutions)
See "Reference Solutions." Business directory, white pages & analytics.
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Collection of millions of scanned historic images, documents and media from libraries, museums and universities across the country.
Free online tech training on topics like basic PC/Mac skills, Word, Excel, using the web, job searching, etc.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collection (Gale Archives Unbound)
A collection of primary source archives supporting African American, LGBTQ, Women’s Studies and Civil Rights research.
Make an Appointment
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- downloading eBooks
- researching genealogy
- finding a job
- computers and technology