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Adventure Academy

Adventure Academy

NEW: Fun educational role-playing educational adventure game for kids 8-13
Consumer Health Complete

Consumer Health Complete

Consumer-oriented information and articles on health conditions, medications and alternative treatments.
Gale Health and Wellness

Gale Health and Wellness

Reference, magazine and journal articles on medical conditions and medications.


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Ebsco eBook Collection

Hundreds of eBooks covering a wide variety of topics. Books downloadable in PDF or ePub format.

Ebsco Explora

Updated interface allows simultaneous searching of MasterFile CompleteAcademic Search CompleteBusiness Source Premier and others, with additional browsing tools. Learn how to create a search alert here.

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Resources for teachers, administrators, and parents from the George Lucas Educational Foundation.

Encyclopedia of Associations: National

Part of the Gale Directory Library. Comprehensive source of detailed information concerning nonprofit American membership organizations of national scope. Covers more than 23,000 organizations.

Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional

Part of the Gale Directory Library. Information on associations and societies that are organized and function at the regional (both interstate and intrastate), state, county, city, neighborhood, and local levels.

Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes

Current and past U.S. and Canadian tribes, large and small.

ERIC (FirstSearch)

Education research. The ERIC website may have more recent sources. 

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Explora Middle Schools

(Formerly Middle Search Plus) Search popular middle school magazines, reference e-books, and thousands of primary source documents and videos for help with homework, writing assignments and exploring your interests.  Learn how to create a search alert here.

Exploring Race in Society

Offers essential content covering important issues related to race in society today. Essays, articles, reports and other reliable sources provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness. Non-AHML cardholders can use this link for access outside the library.



Large genealogy database maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Anyone may use FamilySearch from home, etc., but additional content is available only when used inside the library. NOTE: Requires creation of a free personal profile. Some full records/images are only available via local Family History Center. More details here.

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Offers short, easy-to-understand personal finance lessons, videos and interactive tools that empower you to make informed financial decisions and achieve your financial goals.

Arlington Heights cardholders only


Access to over 2 billion records from the U.K., Ireland and the British Commonwealth, including census records, military collections, and immigration & naturalization records. NOTE: The PERSI (Periodical Source Index) database is now only available directly from the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center site.

Database accessible only from within the library.

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Selected popular magazines you can read online from your computer or tablet.

App     More Info     Video Tutorial    


Historical documents and personal histories from the National Archives and other institutions. Includes the Fold3 Holocaust Archives.

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Foundation Directory Online + Grants to Individuals

Full access to this database is only available inside the library. Gives grant-seekers unprecedented access to the largest amount of clean and coded philanthropic data that currently exists.

Full access to the Foundation Directory Online is available to users inside the library. Select nonprofits can apply to Candid's "Go for the Gold" program for one-year remote access to the separate "FDO Essentials" product.

Database accessible only from within the library.


Gale Academic OneFile

Millions of articles from scholarly journals and other authoritative sources—including thousands of podcasts and transcripts. Learn how to set up a search alert here.

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Gale Books & Authors

Recommends books for readers. Explore by author/title/genre. Reviews included.

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Gale Business Insights

A one-stop source for company profiles and analysis, including SWOT Analysesinvestment reportsindustry overviewsmarket informationcase studies, in-depth news & articles and more. Also includes Plunkett Research Reports.

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Gale Courses

In-depth, instructor-led, 6-week classes on tech topics, health care training, business/accounting, personal development, law, test prep, and more. Some classes can lead to certification and continuing education units (CEUs)

Arlington Heights cardholders only

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Gale Directory Library

Search several different national, regional and international directories simultaneously or separately.

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Gale eBooks

Reference eBooks on biographybusinessenvironmenthistorylawliteraturemedicinemulticultural studiesnations/worldreligionsciencesocial science, and more. See also Access My Library app.

Video Tutorial    

Gale General OneFile

Articles from thousands of magazines/journals, covering all topics. Learn how to set up a search alert here.

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Gale Health and Wellness

Reference, magazine and journal articles on medical conditions and medications.

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Gale in Context: Biography

Biographies and full text articles; see also Access My Library app.

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Gale in Context: Elementary

Articles from magazines, newspapers and reference sources to help students with projects and exploring their own interests.

Gale in Context: Environmental Studies

THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER AVAILALBE. Please consider using Gale Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete, Gale in Context: Global Issues or the "Quick Search for Articles" near the top of the Databases list.

Gale in Context: Global Issues

Covers news, global viewpoints, reference, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics and more.

Gale in Context: High School

Magazine, news and reference articles for middle school through undergraduate. Covers science, literature, history, social sciences, arts, etc.

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Gale in Context: Middle School

NEW: Articles and media covering a variety of subjects for middle school students, including government, U.S. and world history, geography, literature, science, and social issues. Includes over 300 browsable topic pages.

Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Pro/con articles on major issues:  gun control, drug legalization, immigration, etc. Especially useful for debate preparation, gaining context for election issues, etc.

Video Tutorial    

Make an Appointment

MeetingSchedule an appointment to get help with these and other interests:

  • downloading eBooks
  • researching genealogy
  • finding a job
  • computers and technology