About Jeanette Andrews

Jeanette Andrews

Magician and artist Jeanette Andrews is hailed as one of the most innovative illusionists in the world today. She has presented for The Smithsonian's Cooper Hewitt, the International Museum of Surgical Science, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Andrews has staged hundreds of sold-out and standing-room-only performances for Fortune 500 companies, theaters and universities across the United States, including Infiniti, Kraft, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Lyric Opera & Chicago Ideas Week. Her work explores how illusions construct reality and highlights astonishing aspects of everyday life via moments of the seemingly impossible. She is a prior artist in residence for High Concept Labs and The Institute for Art and Olfaction. Illusion is Andrews' life's work and her performances have been praised by the Chicago Tribune, PBS and the New York Times. Learn more about Jeanette.

Follow the @ahml Instagram page for content exclusively curated by Jeanette throughout the month of July, plus access to unique Instagram Live events with the artist all month long.

Photo by Saverio Truglia