• Teens, prepare for final exams with our Finals Study Lounge

    Study for your final exams in the Hub and we'll provide brain-powering snacks, laptops and group study areas to help you prepare. Service dogs will be visiting Saturday, December 14 from 2-3 p.m. and Tuesday, December 17 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

    For high school students only.

    Dates and Times
    Saturday, December 14, noon-5 p.m.
    Sunday, December 15, noon-6 p.m.
    Monday, December 16, 3-9 p.m.
    Tuesday, December 17, 3-9 p.m.
    Wednesday, December 18, noon-9 p.m.
    Thursday, December 19, noon-9 p.m.

  • Are you in your 20s or 30s? We want to hear from you!

    If you are in your 20s or 30s, the library wants to hear from you!

    The library would like our community's input to help inform our special events plans for 2025, especially new programs for customers ages 20-39.

    Please fill out this short survey to share your thoughts. This survey is intended for Arlington Heights residents ages 20-39.

    Thank you so much for your participation. If you would also like to get email news about programs for this audience, click here to sign up.

  • Third grader wins inaugural Library President for a Day Contest

    The Arlington Heights Memorial Library announced the winner of its inaugural Library President for a Day Contest on Monday, November 4 during the Board of Library Trustees Committee of the Whole Meeting. Congratulations to Westgate Elementary third grader Hayden Kaufman on winning the coveted position of Library President for a Day. Kaufman was one of over 40 students in grades K-8 from various schools in the area who submitted a contest entry. 

    As part of the “presidential perks” for winning the contest, Kaufman kicked off the meeting with a roll call, led the board meeting attendees in the Pledge of



Items Coming Soon






Upcoming Programs

- /Makerplace - Kitchen
- /Cardinal Room
- /Training Center
- /Full Hendrickson Room
- /ESL/Literacy Office
- /Cardinal Room