5.003 Circulation

Replaces 01/01/2021





Loan Quantities


The total number of items that can be checked out to an Arlington Heights Memorial Library (AHML) cardholder at any one time is 100.  There are also borrowing limits for some formats.


The maximum number of items by format allowed for checkout is reviewed on a periodic basis by the executive director.


A registered reciprocal borrower may possess as many as 40 items from the library's collection at a time.


An AHML cardholder or registered reciprocal borrower who has forgotten their card may borrow items by showing identification that verifies name and address.


Loans from developing collections are limitedto AHML cardholders.


Temporary limits may be set by department managers for their collections due to seasonal demand, special programs, or because a collection is designated as either a developing collection or as a limited resource.


Loan Periods

    1.  These items circulate for one week:  
      a.  DVDs and Blu-rays with three discs or fewer  
      b.  Video games  
      c.  Designated holiday books  
      d. Magazines  
      e.  Studio equipment  
      f. Library of Things  
    2.  These items circulate for two weeks:  
      a.  New & Popular books with fewer than 500 pages  
      b. eBooks  
      c.  Music compact discs  
      d. Puzzles, toys, puppets, and games other than video games  
      e. DVDs and Blu-rays with four or more discs  
      f. Adult TV series on DVD and Blu-rays  
      g.  eReaders  
    3.  Items from the Book Discussion collection circulate for six weeks.  
    4. In-house use laptops, tablet computers, cable adapters and makerspace equipment circulate for two hours.  
    5.  All other items circulate for four weeks.  
    6. Loan periods for senior services and organizations with intergovernmental agreements are specified by the executive director  

Temporary loan periods may be set by department managers for their collections due to seasonal demand, special programs or because a collection is designated as either a developing collection or a limited resource.



All items are automatically renewed four times, except:

    1.  New & Popular items (eligible for one renewal)  
    2.  Items with holds  
    3.  Items from the Book Discussion collection  
    4. LINKin items (in accordance with lending and borrowing agreement)  
    5. Some developing collections  

Renewal limits on interlibrary loans are set by the lending library.

  D.  Holds and Interlibrary Loans  

Placing holds on library items is a service available only to AHML cardholders.


The New & Popular consists of two collections - New & Popular and Hot Picks. Hot Pick items are a browsing collection and cannot be placed on hold. New & Popular consists of items that may be placed on hold under the rules of this section.


All items can be placed on hold except for items from the Hot Picks collection, items in some developing collections and LINKin items currently checked out.


Interlibrary loan requests are available only to AHML cardholders.

  A. Overdue Items  

The Arlington Heights Memorial Library does not charge late fees for overdue items.


Borrowers are expected to return items on or before the specified due date. Borrowers are responsible for charges related to lost or damaged library items. In the case of a minor (under the age of 18), the parent/guardian is responsible for any amounts owed relating to the minor's card.


Library borrowing privileges are suspended when an item on the account is 14 days overdue, any item is billed or $10.00 in fees accrue on the account. Privileges are reinstated when the account is paid below the $10.00 threshold and billed or overdue materials are returned.

    4. Overdue reminders are sent when an item is three days overdue, seven days overdue, 14 days overdue and 21 days overdue.  
    5.  If an item is 35 days overdue: Unreturned items are considered lost and the cardholder will be billed the replacement cost of the overdue item(s). Returning the item(s) within 60 days of the original due date will remove the charges and block.  

If an item remains overdue 45 or more days, the library may turn the account over to a material recovery agency. If the item is returned within 60 days of the original due date, the borrower is not responsible for the price of the item, instead, the material recovery agency fee applies. If the item is not returned, both the replacement cost and the material recovery fee apply.

  B.  Lost or Damaged Items  
    1.  Borrowers are responsible for charges related to lost or damaged library items. In the case of a minor (under the age of 18), the parent/guardian is responsible for any amounts owed relating to the minor’s card.  

The charge for a lost item or one damaged beyond repair is the price recorded at the time of acquisition. Material replacements are not accepted.


The library is not liable for damage to a borrower’s equipment used in conjunction with library items.

    4.  The charge for a lost or badly damaged item from a multiple set is the price for the entire set recorded at the time of acquisition.  
    5.  The charge for lost or damaged supplementary item contents, including instruction booklets or covers, is the price of the entire set at the time of acquisition.  

There is a charge for lost or damaged containers of borrowed items.


A refund for a lost item is given if the item has been paid for and then is returned within 60 days of the item’s last due date.


If AHML reimburses another library for any charges for lost or damaged items accrued by an AHML cardholder at another library, those charges are placed on the cardholder’s AHML account, and they are responsible for reimbursing AHML the full amount of the charges.



In the event a customer owes in excess of $50.00 under library policies, the library may submit the account to a material recovery agency and/or pursue legal action. For a minor’s library account, the parent or guardian is considered the customer for the purpose of collection/legal action. If turned over to a material recovery agency, a non-refundable fee is charged to the customer. If legal action is pursued, the customer is responsible for legal fees and other costs of recovery.