Make research easier by using the library’s newest database

Take a look at local historical newspapers from around the world with the library’s newest database – This database is easy to navigate, making it the perfect resource whether you’re someone trying to do genealogical research or a student completing a school project. features more than 11,200 newspapers from the 1700s to the 2000s and millions of additional pages are added every month. expands our access to historical databases, which include Proquest Historical Newspapers and American Ancestors.
Proquest Historical Newspapers provides fully scanned articles and pages from newspapers including The Chicago Tribune, The New York Times and The Baltimore Sun, and American Ancestors is a collection of genealogy databases maintained by the New England Historic Genealogical Society with over 14 billion records pulled from military sources, family histories, census data, etc. All of these databases can be found by visiting the library’s Research webpage and clicking on the Databases tab.