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Just Haven't Met You Yet Posted by Maggie R on Friday, January 28, 2022

Sorting through my mother’s things, it’s made me wonder what I want the world to remember me by.”Just Haven’t Met You Yet

Laura Le Quesne arrives to the Channel Island of Jersey to write an article for her magazine Love Life when she realizes she has grabbed the wrong suitcase. Of course, it only makes sense to open the stranger’s suitcase and go through its contents: her favorite book, piano music for her favorite artist, and a heavy knit fisherman sweater. Laura is absolutely positive that this is the man of her dreams and commissions a cab driver to take her on the mission of finding her dream man.

I absolutely loved this book. Laura’s character is so quirky and charming and although her ideas surrounding a “dream man” and “soulmate” seem outlandish and only for the movies, you can’t help but cheer her on with her mission to find picture-perfect love. Sophie Cousens really takes you along for the ride, painting a beautiful picture of the Channel Island of Jersey and some of the whacky residents Laura encounters. I loved that the quest wasn’t entirely about finding love but also shattering the idea and pressure of finding the “perfect” story worthy of a magazine article. Laura learns that life is inevitably harsh but beautiful if we make it that way.

The Santa Suit Posted by Maggie R on Thursday, January 6, 2022

“From Mary Kay Andrews…comes a novella celebrating the magic of Christmas and second chances in The Santa Suit.” 
It’s time to get cozy with Mary Kay Andrews’ latest novel, The Santa Suit. When newly divorced Ivy Perkins purchases an old farmhouse, The Four Roses, in small town North Carolina, she has no idea of the love, charm, and history that comes along with it. In the closet of the old farmhouse, Ivy finds an old Santa suit that holds an old letter from a little girl, asking Santa to bring her father home from the war. Ivy sets out on a mission to discover who the little girl is and if her father ever made it home. Within days of her move, Ivy has befriended several locals eager to help solve the mystery and one hunky realtor slash handy man. In a time of pain and sorrow, Ivy heals her wounds through new friendships, following her passions, and accepting love. 

The themes of this story, I realize, are quite similar to my last holiday read, Dear Santa by Debbie Macomber. The protagonist experiences a brutal heartbreak, along with other losses, and finds hope, love, and happiness in a new place. The Santa Suit shows just that. Ivy has faced loss throughout her life and after a brutal divorce, finds a fresh start in a new state. This book oozes cozy, from the big roaring fireplace in The Four Roses to the little town where everybody knows everybody. It is sure to warm your heart and make you laugh.  

For the best experience, Maggie recommends reading this with a hot cup of tea or cocoa and the coziest blanket you own. 


Dear Santa Posted by Maggie R on Tuesday, January 4, 2022

“A special holiday wish list brings about hope, love, and second chances” 

In Debbie Macomber’s latest addition to her fantastic holiday collection, Dear Santa, Lindy Carmichael finds herself returning home to a small town in Washington after discovering her boyfriend and best friend are romantically involved. Lindy is convinced that there is nothing that could possibly cheer her up. But after her mother reminds her of a magical old tradition of writing letters to Santa, perhaps Lindy might find some Christmas cheer this season after all. 

This was truly an enchanting read. In the beginning of this story, I could really feel the sadness and discouragement that Lindy felt. She loses both her long-time boyfriend and best friend during the most wonderful time of year, all while feeling the pressure of her graphic design job. After some encouragement from her mother, Lindy writes a new letter to Santa laying out what she would really like this year. This story took me on such a fun adventure with Lindy as fate and Christmas magic helped check off Lindy’s list to Santa. Throughout the story I could feel Lindy’s faith returning to her as she fills the season with family, love, and renewed friendships. Along with being a cozy, uplifting story, Dear Santa also serves as a wonderful reminder that when in doubt, follow your heart. 

For the Love of Friends Posted by Maggie R on Wednesday, December 8, 2021

“A sharp and hilariously relatable novel about the business of weddings, the toll they can take, and the lengths one exasperated bridesmaid will go to for the love of friends.” 

Sara Goodman Confino’s debut novel, “For the Love of Friends”, is a hilarious, laugh-out-loud story that follows Lily, bridesmaid in five upcoming weddings, as she navigates the chaos that is bridezillas and wedding planning. Lily finds solace in her creation of an anonymous blog, detailing every bit of wedding mania along the way. Financial woes, mom-zillas, and Spanx galore, Lily lays it out in her increasingly popular “private” blog. However, few things remain as secrets on the internet. 

Keeping in theme with my last review, I could not help myself and picked up another wedding-themed book…and I regret nothing. Confino’s creative concoction of goofy, lovable characters, the snarky commentary of our protagonist, and pure comedic writing had me belly-laughing from start to finish. And who can resist a good love interest? Alex, a groomsman whom Lily swears off all romance with, will steal your heart with his gentle and kind character. The snark, the love, and the story make for a true page turner, and I truly could not put this book down. I am so excited to see what Confino brings to the pages next. 

The Secret Bridesmaid by Katy Birchall Posted by Maggie R on Monday, November 22, 2021

“Matrimony meets mayhem in a modern British rom-com about a young woman charged with pulling off the biggest aristocratic wedding of the year - and the misadventures that ensue.” 

This is hands-down my favorite book of 2021, and if you’re a lover of Chick Lit and Romance, I highly recommend The Secret Bridesmaid! Sophie Breeze is a full-time professional bridesmaid. Working for brides all over London, Sophie poses as a bridesmaid and friend while working behind the scenes to plan and execute the perfect wedding. The gig of a lifetime lands in Sophie’s lap as a job offer from the Marchioness of Meade entails being the bridesmaid of the Marchioness’ diva daughter, Cordelia. Sophie must pull off the most famous wedding of the year (450 guests!) all while keeping her identity a secret and surviving the bride, who is determined to make Sophie’s life a nightmare. 

I wasn’t sure about this book when I picked it up, but the idea of a woman working professionally as a secret bridesmaid sold me on a check out. I could not put it down! Birchall creates the most colorful characters and creates a setting that places you right inside the story. This is not your typical Romantic Comedy, either. Birchall weaves in themes of friendship, love, and self-discovery all while making you fall in love with the characters and laugh out loud.