2.003 Sale or Disposal of Surplus Library Property

Replaces 09/21/2011

Library property (i.e. print and non-print items, equipment, supplies, art works, and or any personal property), which in the judgment of the Board of Library Trustees is no longer necessary or useful for library purposes, may be sold or disposed of as outlined in this policy, subject to the Village of Arlington Heights’ first right to purchase by meeting a bid acceptable to the board.

With respect to the board’s discretion as stated above, the board delegates authority to the executive director for the sale or disposal of surplus library property as follows:

  • Personal property of any value may be donated or be sold to any other tax supported library or to any library system operating under the provisions of the Illinois Library System Act (75 ILCS 5/4-16) under such conditions as the executive director may determine.
  • Books and non-print items from the library's collections and library equipment suitable for personal use valued individually at less than $1,000, are donated to the Friends of the Library (FOL) whenever possible.  The FOL is authorized to sell, donate or dispose of items as deemed appropriate. If, at the discretion of the executive director, it is not feasible to donate such items for reasons including, but not limited to, the quantity of items exceeding the capacity of the FOL to process or safely store in the designated area(s) of the building, the excess will be sold, donated, or disposed of with the proceeds, if any, going to the FOL as a 501(c) (3) organization.
  • Any other personal property having an individual current value of $1,000 or less may, at the discretion of the executive director, be discarded; exchanged for credit for new equipment; made available for sale; or given to local philanthropic, educational, cultural, governmental or other not-for-profit organizations.
  • In the case of individual surplus items having a current value of more than $1,000, items will be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Local Library Act (75 ILCS 5/4-16).

In no case shall members of the Board of Library Trustees, the executive director, or members of their immediate families make bids or purchase any library item declared surplus.  In no case shall any other library staff member or members of their immediate families purchase any library item declared surplus except through competitive public bidding.  The prohibitions/restrictions in the above two sentences shall not apply to items offered for sale by the FOL at its regularly scheduled and publicized sales and auctions.