
Submitted by ilebolt on 04/21/2017 - 10:55 AM


Content type used for the creation of the database page only.


Restricted to Administrators and MinAdmin Roles



General Info Fields

The fields in this group are used to enter basic information for the databases.



Database Title. The title is also a filter by "starts with".



Description of the Database 

  Access Provides options for access information; either accessible features or access restrictions.  Checked items appear on the page as part of the database description. Available as a filter.

Placement Fields Group

The fields in this group determine which databases should appear on a page or when filtered.

  Database Subjects This required filed is used for database filtering. Check all that apply
  Database Should appear on these pages Many website pages have "resource" sections which provide a list of databases relevant to the page. If a database is to be listed on a particular page, it must be checked here.

Link Fields Group

AHML database links are usually comprised of three elements (strings), which, when combined provide information to the library and easier access to the database for our customers. The links area provides fields for each of the three elements. Any entered elements are combined together to create the appropriate database link. 

  Script String The script string ( is provided by default and is used for statistical tracking. If this is removed, stats for the database will NOT be tracked.
  EZProxy String The Ezproxy string ( is provided by default and is used to provide EZproxy access to the database. Remove this string if the database is NOT available for the customer from home.
  Datbase URL Enter the URL of the database

KW Details Group 

This group contains fields that are specific to KW databases only. The group is collapsed by default and must be clicked to access the fields. 

  KW Databases Subjects for KW. This required filed is used for database filtering. Check all that apply
  Grades Specify the grades for which the database is appropriate. This information is added to the Kids' DB information

Media Group

This group contains media related fields

Image Used to include the image associated with the database.