What's a Dot Com


Every web page has an exact address.

Directs your browser to that web page.
(Kind of like a phone number calls a specific phone!)

It appears in the address bar at the top of the browser.

Also called a "U-R-L" (Uniform Resource Locator) . Type a URL in the address bar to go to a specific page.You must type it in exactly as it was given to you.

It usually looks like:
http://www.microsoft.com or http://www.stanford.edu or http://www.digitalliteracy.gov

You'll notice several common endings to URLs:

  • .com = commercial sites - or "DOT-COM'S"
  • .gov = government addresses
  • .edu = higher education (colleges & universities)
  • .mil = US military sites
  • .org = non-profit organizations
  • .info = libraries & other information services
  • It may also have a directory or filename: http://www.ahml.info/about

Internet Addresses

Type one or two of these in the address bar. Use the back button on your browser to return to this page.

http://www.ford.com (can you guess the company?)
http://www.cnn.com (popular news site)
http://www.irs.gov (note the ".gov" ending)