6.004 Reading History Policy


The Arlington Heights Memorial Library is committed to keeping patron reading history confidential.  By default, the library's checkout system keeps track only of a patron's checked out items for the duration of the loan period and if items are returned late or damaged, then the information remains on the patron account until the issue has been cleared.  Once items have been cleared from the patron’s record, the library's system keeps no record of the items with the exception of data stored on temporary archival backups of the system.

Using the Reading History feature of the library automated system, patrons can determine for themselves if they want the system to track their checkout history.  Once activated, all materials that are checked out will be added to the patron’s Reading History list.  Items held in the Reading History feature can be selectively removed from the Reading History list by logging into the library’s website and selecting the items for removal.

The library supports a patron’s rights to use library services regardless of age.  For this reason, Reading History is offered to all library patrons.

While the library is committed to keeping patron records confidential, this information could be obtained by law enforcement in the event of a court order or as otherwise required by law.  In the event of law enforcement requesting patron information, the library may not be able to disclose that request for information to patrons.