Featured Databases
BlueCareer--Training and Job Matching for Skilled Trades
Explore the skilled trades industry, get the training you need, connect with prospective employers, and start your career.REMOTE ACCESS TO MOST DATABASES IS LIMITED TO ARLINGTON HEIGHTS RESIDENT CARDHOLDERS
New York Times via News, Cooking, Crossword/Games (remote access)
Access the full content of the NY Times websites and app, including News, Cooking and Crossword & Games. The link above is for access outside the library and is for AHML resident cardholders.
Inside the library? Click Here for News
Outside the library (home/work/etc.)? Click here
Looking for Cooking or Crosswords/Games? Click here (These services require a remote access code, even in-library.)
All access, including in-library access for News, requires setting up a free account on NY Access lasts 24 hours and must be renewed via these links.
Make an Appointment
Schedule an appointment to get help with these and other interests:
- downloading eBooks
- researching genealogy
- finding a job
- computers and technology