All adults who can understand and follow the Library's Code of Conduct and who can care for themselves are welcome in the library.
Vulnerable adults must be attended and have adequate supervision by an adult over the age of 18 during their visit. A vulnerable adult is functionally, mentally or physically unable to care for themselves and should not be left unattended or unsupervised when in the library. Library facilities are neither designed nor licensed to provide adult care needs.
If it is determined a vulnerable adult is in the library without a parent, legal guardian or caregiver, staff will attempt to contact the parent, legal guardian or caregiver. If the parent, legal guardian or caregiver is located in the library, they will be directed to stay with and supervise the vulnerable adult. If a parent, legal guardian or caregiver cannot be reached within 30 minutes, the police will be contacted and asked to assist, including assistance at the library's closing time.
Library users who are not in compliance with this Vulnerable Adults Policy will be advised by library staff of the requirements of this policy. Remedies for violations of this policy include removal from library premises and suspension of library privileges.